Capitol Hill Volleyball Tournament on Channel 9 Washington D.C. News!

My daughter played in a volleyball tournament this weekend in our nation’s capital. Her team joined 355 other teams — yes, I said 355. That’s a lot of teams. Over 4,000 girls from 12 through 18 competed on 48 volleyball courts.

It was my first time at the D.C. Convention Center since the remodel was completed. The building is massive with a maze of corridors and hallways connecting the main convention halls to the meeting rooms. All the teams played in 2 halls. It was a huge event yet there was enough room for each team to share a volleyball court with room for the teams, the officials, and the spectators.

Coach Dad attended with our daughter the first day. He described the layout, but it was only when I got inside Hall C of the Convention Center that I realized the sheer size of this tournament.

All in all her team did a good job. No medals for their age group, but considering the youth and inexperience of this team they did well. Most of all they are on their way to being a cohesive team. I’m proud of my daughter — and her teammates.

Here’s a clip from the Channel 9 (D.C.) news report. My daughter’s team is wearing red shirts, black shorts, and red hair ribbons. Her team is shown playing at several points during the newsclip.

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