I suffer from what I call the “rambling, stream of consciousness elevator” pitch. Before BlogHer I worked on my pitch. I posted about my struggle to come up with a good pitch over at MomSpark Forum. I got a few…
Author: Jill Berry
Seizing family time one dinner...game night...movie at a time.
On My Way to #BlogHer
I wrote this on the train…posting now due to spotty internet… All week I wanted to write a going to BlogHer post. Kids, Swimming. Camp dropoffs and pickups. Playdates. Cleaning. Laundry. Paid work. You name it and I had a…
#Yoursphere Mom in the #BlogHer House
#Yoursphere Mom in the house!! I have worked with a social networking site for kids and tweens for the last year or so as a SpokesMom. Yoursphere is a social networking site for kids by kids. No adults allowed. Oh…
A Classic Movie Brought to Life on Stage: Mary Poppins
As a kid Mary Poppins was a favorite film. Of couse unlike my children I only watched Mary Poppins and other classic kid’s films once. There was no DVD or DVR in my house. I was a teen before we…
Breyer’s…Mmmm Good and a #Giveaway
I can’t hide ice cream from the children. Their little noses sniff out the ice cream. I could hang out near the garage fridge nibbling on ice cream, but sooner or later a kid pops his/her head out to ask…
Nick Saves the Hotel Stay #nickyourstay
Staying in a hotel is highlight for my teen. Sometimes I think that she is more interested in the hotel than in the place we are visiting. She loves it all…the hotel beds, the soaps and shampoos, the large TV near…
Packing for #BlogHer
Would it make all of you going to BlogHer feel better to know that I just finished packing for TWO trips? It’s 3 a.m. What exactly am I doing up? I should be in bed, but I am collecting paperwork,…
OXY Clinical and Your Teen
My kids race to open the packages that arrive each week. My teen will examine the label to see where the review product originated from before asking to open the package. My other two aren’t as discerning. Our sample of…
Sun Exposure for Kids, Preteens, and Teens
Another comment from a forum that was long enough for a post! In answer to the question, do you use sunscreen, why, and what strength. If you want to participate in this discussion, join MomSpark Forum. I had one very…
It Can’t Be Possible?!?
This time tomorrow I will be preparing for BlogHer. I arrive at BlogHer on Wednesday. I’m leaving my family on vacation to go to BlogHer. I feel guilty about this…don’t get me wrong. I know that my family will have…