Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

Giveaway and Love Thursday

Wow! I am overwhelmed at the response. 117 comments! I need to go through the comments and pick three winners. Hopefully I will have time tomorrow to do that. Once I have the winners I will e-mail all three and…

Books and Children

I LOVE Books! Plain and simple. Some of my best Christmas gifts through the years have been books. When I was in middle and high school, I would look forward with great anticipation to my Christmas books. The only problem…I…

Little Boys and Star Wars Toys

My 5-year-old (aka Adventure Boy) is enamored of all things Star Wars. Two months ago he barely knew Star Wars. His new obsession happened around Halloween. He insisted that he wanted to be Darth Vader. How could he know who…

Oh! Nuts Company: Review

A little while ago I received an e-mail from the Oh! Nuts company — . I was asked if I wanted to review several different types of nuts. The Oh! Nuts Company is a family-run business with ties to…