Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

DC Tweetup Was Sweet

It was like the DC/MD/VA version of the bloggerati. For me it was also my first big blogging gathering. Oh, I have been to a few press briefings and a coffee tweetup or two, but never anything this fancy. It…

National Hot Dog Day

Did you know that July 23 is National Hot Dog Day? It is appropriate that National Hot Dog Day is smack dab in the middle of summer! Hot Dogs for me are as American as apple pie. Here’s my history…

Musings on the Beach

Not a beach person. Don’t like sand mixed with sunscreen. Not a fan of eating sand infiltrated food on the beach. Definitely do not care to apply sunscreen to wet, sandy appendages. But, there is one thing I do like…the…

Childhood Obesity Is at All-Time High

With childhood obesity reaching an all time high across the country, many parents struggle with how to help their children maintain a healthy weight with proper nutrition.   Dr. Joanna Dolgoff, the official doctor of Camp Shane and a board certified pediatrician,…

Paybacks Are Tough

Just posted a contest for a prize I really want! To enter the competition you have to post about your worst conference call, so you have a chance of winning an iphone. Squeee! But, it’s from the Momfluence network. I’m a…