I swear to you that I am a good Mom. I make lunches. Supervise homework. Kids have clean clothes for school. We have a set bedtime on schoolnights — different times for different aged kids. My youngest is read to each night. The older two read to themselves. But, there is one part of being a mom of school-aged children that I #fail at. Do you want to know what it is?
I’ll tell you what it is. I cannot for the life of me remember to put my youngest in clothes as specified by the school calendar.
Today is Earth Day. AKA Wear Green. AKA Mommy Forgot to Put 1st Grader in Green clothes. The 1st grader is wearing khaki shorts, white socks, and a red, white, and blue stars and stripes polo short. Earth Day not so much, but for July 4th he would in style.
Note: In the photo above my oldest made my youngest a sandwich board sign for our family movie night. He walked around advertising what the snack options were. I had forgotten how cute he was at 3!
Am I the only one who forgets the “Wear Green,” or “Wear a Short with a Number on the Front,” or “Wear a Hat”???
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