From the folks at Cinnabon and MyBlogSpark…
Cinnabon is looking for ways to warm the hearts of others this holiday season and needs your help to Spread the Warmth through its Random `Packs´ of Kindness contest.
Cinnabon wants me to share its ooey-gooey awesomeness with my friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers, and then share our stories online!
From November 6th through January 7th, share any act of kindness to qualify for a chance to win prizes! Simply photograph or video the reaction to a random act of kindness and submit it to the Cinnabon Facebook page for a chance to win free weekly Cinnapacks or a cash prize of $2,500 and a $2,500 donation to the charity of your choice.
For more contest rules and information on how you can help Spread the Warmth visit the Cinnabon Facebook page.
I am sharing information with you that was provided by Cinnabon and General Mills through MyBlogSpark.