As many of you know I am passionate about keeping my kids safe offline AND online.
As a young mom I safety proofed my house, used car safety seats until the kids were 8 years old, held hands when we crossed a parking lot, and cut their food in to teeny tiny pieces. You might think that I would be relieved to remove the last door knob cover, but safety proofing doesn’t end when your child can open a door. Now that my children are no longer babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, why would I let down my guard?
When my oldest first asked to go online she was about 5 or 6. She had heard a commercial. She desperately wanted to go to to play Blues Clues. I sat with her as she clicked around in the games. l taught her to stay on the Nick website.
Her Nick days faded when a friend told her about Club Penguin. Club Penguin was pushed aside when Webkinz hit Hallmark stores and everywhere. Webkinz were the Silly Bandz of 2008.
The pull of Webkinz faded for my daughter when she was about 10. She desperately wanted her own e-mail. She needed to start a web page. Had she heard about Facebook she would have wanted an account. I was not ready for all these new endeavors.
I let her have an e-mail in 6th grade. The web site was launched in 5th grade. But, Facebook was a no go. She begged. She pleaded. Apparently every 6th and then 7th grade friend was on Facebook. I held firm.
I discovered Yoursphere over a year ago. Yoursphere is a social network site for kids, tweens, and teens that is for kids only. No adults. Parents can sign up their kids for Yoursphere, but must go through an online security program. Here’s the link to Yoursphere’s safety policy.
Yoursphere was an alternative to Facebook. My daughter got to play on a site that wasn’t babyish, while I had the reassurance that she was in a safe environment online.
I recently became a Yoursphere Test Drive Mom. I am thrilled to let you know that Yoursphere is now FREE! I have a code for you to use if you want to sign your child/tween/teen up for Yoursphere. Use Code YSMC-0051 to sign up for a FREE membership.
You can sign up without the code, but… Anyone who uses my codeĀ — YSMC-0051 — to register on will be entered into a weekly drawing to win a $50 gift card! The Yoursphere Test Drive Mom with the most referrals above 200 will win a $1000 American Express gift card!
I wrote this review while participating in the Yoursphere Test Drive program by Mom Central on behalf of Yoursphere. I received a free lifetime Gold membership on, Yoursphere t-shirts, and a $50 American Express gift card to facilitate my review.
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