The best laid plans? You knows how it is. You plan for an event. Write the event down on calendar. Do a mapquest. Even give family members a heads up about the plan. But, no matter how much you plan and plot, the best laid plans often don’t work out.
Last week was a case in point. The kids started back to school. And the insanity of the new school year started right away. As the kids descended the school bus steps that first day, the busy school evenings began in earnest. Cooking dinner becomes a necessity, but frequently there is no time in the evenings for anything more than a quickly prepared meal.
A chance to eat out presented itself. I never turn down a meal, which I don’t have to cook! I was asked to try out The Bean Bag Deli & Catering Co. in Rockville. We planned to go to dinner midweek. Irene put a dampener on our plans…pun intended. My younger kids missed the first day of school. My teen missed two days due to a power outage. Labor Day Weekend seemed a better option for a dinner out. Because The Bean Bag is closed on Saturday evenings and all day Sunday, we headed there on Monday…except the restaurant was closed for Labor Day. There was no mention of the holiday closing on the website. Ooops.
Our planned dinner out was shifted to Thursday…except the severe flooding and closed roads in the Rockville area prevented us from driving to The Bean Bag Deli & Catering Co. We’ll get to The Bean Bag come what may…in the meantime, I don’t want to delay my writeup any longer. So, here’s what I can tel you.

Photo courtesy of The Bean Bag Deli & Catering Co.
The Bean Bag Deli is located on East Gude Drive in Rockville. Located in a busy area of stores, office buildings, and industrial type buildings, the restaurant is part of a small shopping plaza. The restaurant has a relatively small storefront, but a look inside showed an extensive seating area. The red tables and chairs reminded me of the delis I ate at as a kid in New Jersey. I could almost smell the rye bread, pickles, and delicious sliced meats. A quick peek at the menu made my mouth water…
The specialty sandwich is the Big Bean — an “overstuffed monster” of a sandwich stuffed with 1/2lb or more of the freshest and best meats, cheeses, veggies, and breads available. Nom Nom. For smaller appetites, the Beanie is a lighter version of the Big Bean, but still it is a sizable sandwich.
Sandwiches named after well-known locations sound yummy… The Georgetowner is a triple-decker of roast beef, turkey, and Swiss on rye with Russian dressing, lettuce, and tomato. The Bethesdan is a triple-decker of roast beef, turkey, and pastrami on rye with Russian dressing, lettuce, and tomato. If you”re looking for a taste of NYC try the New Yorker — a concoction of corned beef, pastrami, Swiss. and coleslaw on rye with Russian dressing, lettuce, and tomato. Or venture to the West Coast with a turkey and guacamole on multigrain with Bean Bag special mustard, lettuce, tomato, and sprouts. And then there is the Hulk, a triple-decker of pastrami, roast beef, turkey, and ham on rye with Russian dressing, lettuce, and tomato. The sandwich I am going to order when I go to The Bean Bag is the roast beef and hot horseradish cheddar or perhaps I will try the “famous” tuna salad with pears, raisins, and pecans.
Want the 411 on The Bean Bag Deli & Catering Co.?
- Find out more about The Bean Bag here.
- Peruse the menu offerings before visiting.
- Grab a gift basket.
- The Bean Bag is open Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-3 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; and Sunday, Closed.
- And don’t forget about coffee…
And lest I forget…the generous folks at The Bean Bag Deli & Catering Co. gave me a $15 gift card for one lucky reader of this blog. So if you are local to Montgomery County, MD, and want to sample real deli food, go to The Bean Bag Deli site and tell me what you want to try from the menu. Come back here and leave a comment. I will choose a winner. Don’t forget to leave your email address in your comment so that I can contact you.
And don’t forget about Rockville Restaurant Week from September 10-18, 2011. La Tasca, Gordon Biersch, and The Bean Deli & Catering Co. are among the featured restaurants.
I was sent a gift card as compensation for my review. The views expressed in this post are my own. I follow the tenets of Blog With Integrity. Giveaway ends October 21, 2011, 11:59 p.m. Giveaway is open to anyone who lives near the Bean Dag Deli, in Rockville, MD
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