It was a direct hit. I aimed. I fired. I nailed my target. My target? My then-boyfriiend/now-husband. The location of the hit? The toy aisle at the Gaithersburg Square Toys R Us. My weapon of choice a Nerf Javelin. It is a moment we still speak of…well some of us more than others!
I’m surprised I have any limbs left after all three kids tackled me to get their mitts on the Nerf-n-Strike for wii I received for review. I escaped largely unscathed as I have developed a knack for dropping the item and backing away. It works well for all of us.
The Nerf N-Strike Elite Bundle for wii was a hit both literally and figuratively. The kid played with it on Christmas Eve — during a time when I desperately needed to get housework done. My son has a knack for being super demanding in times of stress.
The Nerf N-Strike Elite Bundle worked so well for all of us. My son played with it for hours over the course of Christmas break. He was Shane — one of the Nerf Elite Squad guys. It is funny because usually the wii games he plays use the mii characters he and his sisters have created or the Lego Star Wars
brick guys. My little guy is sniff — growing — sniff — up. It won’t be long before he will shun Sesame Street.
The mii characters? Our miis are a rag-taggle bunch with eyes where noses should be, girls with ponytails AND goatees, and named improbably “Helga,” “zip0joe,” “Bernard,” “Fuzykgib,” and other unpronounceable or unusual names.
The huge bonus about this game was that my son could use it for the wii while my teen adopted it for our Nerf indoor wars. This Christmas holiday was a time of great fun for our family. We were trapped indoors for days doing Christmas present opening.
My son received a Nerf N-Strike Recon CS-6 Dart Blaster for Christmas. This gun was an addition to the pair of Nerf guns I purchased a few years ago. My teen took the war seriously armed with the Nerf-n-Strike Elite gun minus the wii remote.
With four Nerf guns, the war was waged upstairs, downstairs, and in the basement. I abstained from combat…uh…not enough guns…uh…that’s my excuse and I am sticking to it! Nerf-n-Strike Elite Bundle for wii was fun for our family.
The Nerf N-Strike Elite Bundle is available on amazon for $39 and from Toys R Us for $59.99.
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