It was sweltering day. It was too hot to go outside. We’d been at the pool every day that week. What to do, what to do? Then it came to me! We’d beat the heat by going to a free…
A Yummy Breakfast Wouldn’t Be Complete Without Cereal
Cereal is a food that we all have strong opinions about. We love a certain cereal or absolutely detest it. There’s no gray area. I am never able to buy just one box of cereal. Nope, I need buy at…
FedEx SenseAware: Making Sure a Precious Cargo Arrives Safe and Sound
I was talking to a dad at my son’s end-of-season sports party about cycling. As the kids splashed in the pool, we chatted about soccer, our jobs, and our families. And then we started talking about biking. I know nothing…
A Lady Does-ny Stuff Her Gob! #Brave
Every so often a movie comes around that piques my interest. I start wondering when the movie will come out. I see the trailer and laugh out loud. I count the days (almost) until the movie comes out. Brave was…
Aaaannnd, Scene!
Having a day…you know those days where you can’t hit your stride. You’re not in a crisis. Not stressed out. Just staring at a long to do list and not getting anything done. I’m having a day. The morning started…
Skip Cooking, Get Dinner from @KFC_Colonel [Giveaway]
I’m not a good cook. Don’t let the apron in the photo fool you. Before you say “but, surely you exaggerate?” No, really. I’m a horrible cook. In 22 years of marriage, my husband has said the following words to…