Sponsored: I was compensated to write this post. Something happened this spring that has never happened before. I’m still kind of reeling about it. I did something I have never done before. I didn’t host a birthday party for one…
Making Do Without Blogging Gold Moments
The poopy diapers. The not sleeping through the night. The round-the-clock feedings. All of these are GOLD to the blogger. In fact, if you are a blogger with a baby, toddler, or preschooler, you would have NO shortage of stories.…
Just Doing What I Do…
Last Saturday I had several people come up to me and thank me for what I do. I didn’t know what to say. I do what I do because I love what I do. That’s it. I’m uncomfortable when people…
Sponsored: Back-to-School Mishaps #BacktoSchoolwithBSK
Sponsored: This is a sponsored post. La…la…la..la. I’m not listening to back-to-school talk. La…la…la…la. I can’t hear the TV and radio ads for backpacks, composition books, and crayons. La…la…la…la. I’m not even thinking about when the teacher assignment letters will…
A Shout Out to the #JerseyLove Sponsors #summer #beauty #kids #makeup #shoes
Sponsored: I was given hotel accommodations, ground transportation, and meals from Caesar’s, Harrah’s, DJais, and D6 Surf Skimmer as compensation for writing about my trip to the Jersey Shore. I paid for my own conference ticket and travel expenses to…
Delivery Man Debuts November 22 #deliverymanmovie
Have you heard of the phrase “email bankruptcy”? People it to describe a need to purge all emails…start from scratch…turn over a new email if you will. I’ve seen post after post on Facebook from people who complain about how…