Eating dinner as a family is becoming a thing of the past! Well, that statement might be a little extreme, but in our family we do struggle to eat together. We do the: – eating two dinners — one before…
Play Doh + Marshmallow Eye = Fun!?
Do you ever go back to your online photo albums and search for a photo? I searched and found this photo. I search in the October 2006 folder and found a true Halloween memory! Let me tell you the back…
Review & Giveaway: Care Bears Tell-Tale Tummies
Care Bears have always been a favorite in our house. I was excited to receive the Care Bears Tell-Tale Tummies to review. We have a cute set of assorted Care Bears…St. Patrick’s Day, USA Flag, etc. I smile when I…
Join the Listerine Oral Challenge
With Halloween literally around-the-corner, the need to brush, floss, and practice good mouth care becomes an essential of our day here at the Musings from Me house. I can’t stop the kids from eating candy, but I can ensure that…
Musings from Me Update: Bloggieversary!
So, if you’re a regular on this blog you will notice that the last 10 posts have been reviews or giveaways or both. That’s how I’m rolling this week and last week. And, probably the following week. I’m celebrating the…
Musings on Beauty Tips AND a Giveaway!
Hi, Readers! Have you checked out my Beauty Tips widget on my sidebar yet? I’ll give you a moment to check it now. What did you think? Did you click on it? I clicked and found a great tip for…