In our home, there is a pecking order. A system if you will. It all begins with the package. It actually begins before the package with the UPS or FedEx trucks. My kids spot the truck. They must have ESP…
Memories in Print
I don’t have time to post, but I wanted to embed the code for the I made for my mother as a belated birthday gift. Click here to view this photo book larger I know she will love it!…
A Taste of Home
The roar of the crowd. The sea of red. The beer….oh my goodness the smelll of the beer. I was a tween when I was taken to Manchester United. I had my red woolly scarf. I don’t remember eating food…
Don’t Suffer in Silence…Get Help
I hated the feeling of being caught off guard. Still hate it. Twice when I had heavy bleeding I was at school…high school. You don’t want to stand out in high school…ever! But, there I was…stuck at school and totally…
Trip Planning Is Hard for Me
Is Trip Planning Hard for You? I seize family time any way I can. I seize family time every dinner — movie — game — trip at a time. With a kid, a preteen, and a teen, the sand of…
Catching up with Top Chef Richard Blais
A few months ago, I caught up with Richard Blais — the winner of Top Chef: All Stars. On a stop on his road trip with his family, he took time to talk to me. He’s a great guy! Anyway,…