I cannot even imagine how many items I have taken out of my house over the years. I’ve had children in toddler time, preschool, elementary school, and now middle school. I never leave the house without a drink for one of the kids, several bags, library books, a coat or two. I have to admit that I am usually quite good about returning home with the required items. But, who could forget the Eeyore bottle lost at the local county fair; the Disney Princess denim jacket lost at…wait for it, wait for it, Disney World; and the Children’s Place sweatshirt lost at school.
I have spent a fair amount of time rooting through the “lost and still lost” shelf at my children’s school. Finding an unlabelled lunchbox with food still in it is just plain gross. But not as ewwww as hunting through the foul-smelling lost and found bin at the pool. Not for the faint of heart that is for sure.
So, you can imagine my interest in hearing about Olivers_Labels. Oliver’s Labels are made from high-performance, waterproof, and scuff-resistant materials that have been tested to be durable. Each label is printed with your child’s name and a design of your choice — animal faces, butterflies, dinosaurs, school, transportation, and quite a few others. The labels can be used on most items that go in the dishwasher, microwave, fridge, freezer, and outdoors. Just think about how useful it would be to label a sippy cup, child’s lunch box. diaper bag, shoes, and the list goes on and on. The shoe labels are in the shape of shoes — cute!

Oliver’s Labels also offers the unique
Found-It_Tracking_System as an option — just imagine a homing device to keep your child’s stuff safe. Each Found-it label contains the Oliver’s Labels website address PLUS a unique tracking code for your items. I’m thinking if I had labelled our lost items with these labels that anyone finding the items would have been able to return them to us. Just imagine the uses for these labels!
Oliver’s Labels also come in
Stick-eez Labels for clothing. Over the years I have labelled many coats and other articles of clothing by writing on the label with a permanent marker — a Stick-eez label would be a great improvement.
Oliver’s Labels offers the following sizes of waterproof labels:
For more information, check out
Oliver’s Labels or call 1-800-398-2060