Is that the Hulk clapping for the release of the Avengers BluRay/DVD/Graphic Novel Combo Pack? You bet it is!
Running. Driving. Picking up. Dropping off. Phew. I’m exhausted just reading through this list. Since school started we have not stopped running. It’s a blur. It’s all a blur. I have three in school, and my husband is a school administrator. Should be easier for me to have everyone in school, right? Wrong. It isn’t. From driving the car pool to scheduling doctors’ appointments, I’m on the go. We’re all on the go.
With all of us running in different directions, re-connecting with each other is important. Two of my kids play a high school sport. One does a variety of recreation sports and activities. Add in family events and doctors’ appointents and our family is limited. Eating dinner as a family used to be what we did each night without fail. Now with one child at school and one child at a game and one child at home, my husband and I are running, running, and did I mention running?!
Desperate times call for desperate measures. So when I heard about a chance to shop for Marvel Avengers stuff to host a movie night, I was in hook line and sinker. My family were excited too…not just about having a movie night, but about what movie we would be seeing. With a kid, a tween, and a teen, I’m always looking for movies that we can watch as a family. Because you know that a movie that a kid will love with have a teen rolling her eyes. Our hands down favorite are the Super Hero movies. The kids were thrilled to hear that we would be watching The Avengers. So was I! All I needed to do was set up for the evening…
After a busy day of what else…driving(!)…I drove (of course!) to Walmart to pick up dinner and a movie. I ddn’t have to look far for anything that was The Avengers. I saw The Avengers movie as soon as I walked in to Walmart. I almost ran in to the display. I guess I should stop running, huh?
Navigating a big box store can be a hassle. You walk and walk and walk. You might find the item you are looking for. Likely, you will pick up something else that you probably don’t need. But, shopping can be a chore especially if you have kids with you. If you are not hearing “Mom, when can we go home?” you are probably hearing “Mom, can I have that toy?” What’s a mom to do? Well, the good people at The Avengers have created an app. Now this app is not just a list of products or tips. No, it is much more. The Avengers Augmented Reality App allows you to use the app to enhance your shopping experience.

Here's where you can find the Avengers Augmented Reality Trigger Points...Pizza, Apparel, Halloween, and more.
As you navigate the store, you will see on The Avengers display cases…trigger points. Load up the Super Hero AR app, find the Avengers Augmented Reality App trigger points, follow the directions on the Super Hero AR app for questions and photo taking opportunities, and have fun.
I couldn’t wait…I had to have this movie for our Movie and Pizza Night. I put it in my shopping cart. Next stop food. We crave sustenance! Uh at least we crave pizza and lots of it! From the movie display, I walked over to the grocery store. Isn’t it amazing that you can shop for groceries and buy a movie at the same store? Walmart is my go-to place for stocking up on what my family needs. Anywhere I can drive, make one stop, and get what I need is a winner in my book. You don’t even want to know how many miles I put on my minivan each year. Yikes!
Pizza! I noticed the pizzas right away. How could I not? Each pizza box has an Avengers Super Hero on the front. Hulk is the all veggie pizza. Captain America is the pepperoni pizza. And Thor is the all meat pizza. I’ll bet Iron an is the cheese pizza. My Walmart was all out of cheese. Luckily, I had other options to choose from. What did I choose? One Captain America Marketside Pepperoni Pizza for the kids and one Hulk Marketside Veggie Pizza for husband and me. He’ll eat the pepperoni as well. He’d prefer the pepperoni actually. But, I wanted the kids to try the veggie pizza. You know how kids can be about eating their veggies?
As I walked away from the pizza display, my eyes were drawn to The Avengers movie display cases. I had to stop and look. What was that above Thor’s head? I looked closer and saw that it was an Avengers Augented Reality App trigger point. What is an Avengers Augmented Reality App trigger point? Basically, it’s a way to make your shopping trip much more enjoyable. Just download the Super Hero AR app to your iPhone, iPad, or Android phone. Super easy. Once downloaded, you and whichever of your kids grabs the phone, can have fun.
With the Avengers Augmented Reality App, you can use the trigger points to enhance your shopping experience. Choose who your favorite Avengers Super Hero is. Find out about products and so much more. The trigger points made the shopping trip go faster that is for sure! If you look above Thor’s head, you can see the question “Which Avenger are you?” Download the Super Hero AR app and you are ready for a fun shopping experience.
I saw that The Avengers BluRay/DVD/Graphic Novel Combo Pack was on display in various locations in the Walmart I visited. Although, I don’t know how anyone could pass The Avengers display and not buy one! Visit your local Walmart for the Blu-Ray/DVD Release of The Avengers. If you are not at a Walmart, you can purchase The Avengers BluRay/DVD/Graphic Novel Combo Pack from Walmart.com.
Looking at my cart, I saw The Avengers BluRay/DVD/Graphic Novel Combo Pack, two pizzas, and a box of Avengers cookies. What was I missing? Oh, that’s right treats! You can’t have a party without a couple of treats. I started with a sweet treat…Pez…in
With an Avengers Pez in my cart for each family member, what else did I need? Halloween costumes? Well, the kids haven’t chosen what they will be for Halloween. T-shirts for everyone might be fun. Though the Avengers toys are all sorts of awesome, I didn’t want to buy each kid a toy. I started thinking about finding stuff that would work for all of us. Hmmm…my mind mulled over the idea of a set of props. The Hulk gloves are amazing. Once I found the Hulk gloves, I had to have the Thor hammer. I mean how could I pass up the chance to exert my Thor super powers? The Captain America gloves also found their way in to my cart. If there was an Iron Man prop, I couldn’t find it in the Halloween costume section of my Walmart.
If you want to learn more about my Avengers shopping trip, you can see my Google+ slideshow.
After picking up a few other items, I headed home. I had hungry kids…and a husband…in need of sustenance. It’s never a good idea to make them wait. Trust me. Before I drove home, I called my husband to fire up the oven. I wanted dinner to be on the table right away. Once home, I checked homework, threw a load of wash in, and straightened up the kitchen table. In about 15 minutes, the pizza was ready. We decided to save the veggie pizza for the next night’s dinner. We chowed down on the pizza. And then it was time to party!
My daughter played with the Hulk gloves…or should I say hands?! In fact, we all played with the gloves. My son did a Hulk powerful hands move. My husband did jazz hands. The kids laughed because I had to wear the gloves on my fingertips. I didn’t want to rip the gloves. The Hulk gloves are actually quite stretchy.

My son looks over The Avengers treats...treat bags, whistles, rulers, stickers, mazes, and key rings. Fun!
Our Avengers Pizza and Movie night was a hit. We spent time together, although my teen late back from her sports practice ate a little later than the rest of us. We had a second pizza dinner last night…we’re on a roll!
You and your kids may get to meet the Avengers in person! That’s right there will be special Avengers Character Appearances in select Walmart stores on Saturday, September 29, 2012. Go to Walmart.com to find a store near you. Need more Avengers? Don’t forget to visit Marvel.com. Follow @Marvel on Twitter. Like Marvel on Facebook.
Exclusive Blu-Ray/DVD/Novel Combo Pack at Walmart https://bit.ly/NEnbY3
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. The views expressed in this post are my own. This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Marvel. #MarvelAvengersWMT #CBias