Invisalign for Teens

Invisalign for Teens

Invisalign for Teens

As a mom of a kid, a preteen, and a teen, I have years of orthodontic bills ahead of me. My children did not win the straight teeth lottery. I wore braces and a retainer as a young teen. Even my husband — a late bloomer — just finished orthodontic treatment as an adult.

I must admit to not knowing what Invisaligns were until my husband starting talking about getting braces. He did not want to get traditional braces due to cosmetic reasons. As a 40-something, he did not want to have his orthodontic procedures out there for all to see. I supported his decision, but did not really “get” it. But, he’s an adult so he made the final decision.

When our daughter turned 12, I started the consultation prccess for her with various orthodontists. She needed braces due to overcrowding. None of the orthodontists I spoke to mentioned Invisalign. I assumed that it was not recommended for preteens and teens.

Invisalign Teen

Having observed my husband using Invisaligns over a 3-year period I can say that anyone considering this orthodontic procedure for their teen should think about:



  • How responsible is your teen? Does he brush teeth without reminders? Use floss and mouthwash regularly?
  • Does teen understand that the Invisaligns need to be worn 24 hours a day except when eating and drinking? My husband gave up caffeinated sodas as he was only allowed to drink clear liquids.
  • Does teen realize that a set of invisalign retainers need to be worn for some time after orthodontic treatment is finished?

For more information, go to: Invisalign

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