I Broke a Tooth on an Auntie Anne’s Soft Pretzel in Aeropostale

So, on Saturday I was propping up the wall…uh…shopping with my 13-year-old daughter. She was in heaven as she pondered how to spend her gift cards. I was wondering how long I would have to stay in Aeropostale with her.

Dear Aeropostale

There are no Mom chairs in your stores. That’s right where is mom to sit as she waits for her teen to dither, try on, ponder, contemplate, explore all that Aeropostale has to offer.

Please consider adding a mom chair.

Mom on the Run

Yes, I was definitely pondering the lack of a mom chair, when I bit in to a soft pretzel from Auntie Anne’s. At first I thought I was crunching a piece of rocksalt from the soft pretzel. Then I realized that what I fished out of my mouth looked more like a piece of tooth. After inspecting my mouth in the full length mirror, I realized that yep that’s a part of tooth. All the while my
daughter is shopping away. She did not need to know of my plight. And, BTW, the mirrors in Aeropostale are great…for seeing cracked teeth. I’m just saying…

Here’s a post on my history with dentists: https://writingmylifeoneblogatatime.blogspot.com/2009/01/dentist-my-revolving-door-policy.html

Which brings me back to today, with a dental appointment to hopefully fix the broken tooth and a sick child home with a fever. Can I just tell you how typical this is of me and my life. Could I have a child home sick any other day? No, it had to be today when I have a hard to get dental appointment that I cannot cancel. Sigh. Motherhood!

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