Help! My Kids Are Overscheduled!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…my kids are overscheduled. How did this situation happen? Why did I let it happen? Is it too late to do anything about it?
The straight answer is that we are in for the long haul. We live in community where if kids want to play a high school sport they need to be playing travel in 5th or 6th grade. Yes, I know this is insane, but the reality is that it is better to have kids involved in sports or afterschool activities than hanging around. I live in a semirural area, so I am not sure where kids hang — I suspect kids hang out at home. Hopefully with adult supervision. Right?!?
The teen years are so far not scary — touch wood, throwing salt over shoulder. My teen is a good student…an athlete…highly creative. She’s also a homebopdy. She’s been known to turn down a party invitation. What!?! Who is the child? Can she be genetically related to me — the one who never turns down  a party invitation.
I reminisce about having dinners out with friends and going to a late movie, but those days are long gone. For now we are in the throes of volleyball games, swim meets, and soccer practices.

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