Having a Day…

Having a day where I…

Tried to focus on getting kids ready for school by not checking e-mail before everyone left for school — but still forgot my son’s library book since it is media today and forget to remind my middle daughter to talk to the assistant principal about a bus problem. So, a mommy fail kinda day.

Completed a review — Yay! Then system crashed — Boo! Finally uploaded review to several sites. Win, but with effort.

Contemplating taking a nap, but should do laundry, write a post, iron shirts, write a review, clean kitchen floor…yep, a nap sounds like a better option. So-so.

Thinking it is great that I am blogging, guestposting, twittering, FaceBooking, LinkedIning, yet still not earning very much dinero. Bringing home the bacon Fail.

Still wanted to win a Dyson vacuum. People, this is becoming my passion. If I could win a Nintendo DS I can win this hunka slurping love machine.

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