Our outside basketball net is down for the count. An awesome family gift we bought for Christmas the year he was 1 or so is officially dead. No hope of recovery. Why is the net down and out? Who is the culprit? The kids? Nope, not strong enough to push down a net. I can barely push it down. Neighborhood hooligans? Thankfully, the high schoolers or young adults are not a factor. No. The reason for our felled basketball net is the wind.
The wind is so fierce that we have had the following things happen:
– a tornado — yes a tornado — toppled and mangled our swing set.
– a large, hard plastic kiddie pool with a metal step blew down to the end of the cul-de-sac…I wish I had taken a photo of my husband with the pool on his head walking back to our house. Darn…what if I had a blog back then! I would so have blogged that incident!
– an Adirondack chair, a kiddie table with umbrella, and a host other outdoor toys have blown off the deck and broken. A Little Tikes wagon once hurtled down the driveway and almost knocked a kid down!
– a Little House playhouse blew off the swing set area, rolled about 20 feet, and crashed in to our kitchen window. Scary. Read here for details.
So, you can see why an INDOOR basketball net would work for the Musings from Me family. No wind indoors!
GIVEAWAY: Interested in a Nerf Wall-to-Wall Basketball Net? Enter now! 1 comment = 1 entry. Random.org will choose winner.
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I was given a Nerf Wall-to-Wall Basketball Net to review. Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. Giveaway closes December 16, 11:59 a.m.
6 comments for “Review & Giveaway: Nerf Wall-to-Wall Basketball — Holiday Gift Guide”