Category: Uncategorized

Frankenweenie: First Look

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. My husband will hold up one finger, then two, then three when we are at a movie. On a good day he has held up 7 fingers. Why is seven fingers so significant? And…

A Taste of Home

The roar of the crowd. The sea of red. The beer….oh my goodness the smelll of the beer. I was a tween when I was taken to Manchester United. I had my red woolly scarf. I don’t remember eating food…

Play a Better World…on Facebook

A few years ago my children were obsessed with Club Penguin and Webkinz. My girls loved creating a world online. My oldest would dress her penguin in an array of clothes. My middle would  play games. The wolds they created…

Star Trek…I Don’t Get It

I don’t “get” Star Trek. There I said it. When I was first married I watched all of the variations: Star Trek, Deep Space Nine, as well as the movies. I even had the poster from Star Trek Generations framed.…