Category: teen years

Sonicare…Now for Kids

My daughter started the Sonicare trend in our house. She got braces. We wanted to give her the best shot at remaining cavity free after braces. Can you imagine how maddening it would be to put money (dental insurance pays…

U by Kotex…Shhh

Were you embarrassed the first time you had to purchase…you know…those products? Did you insist that your mom bought them for you? I know I was mortified at the thought of buying Kotex products by myself. Now, I don’t mind…

Braces and Candy

The tween is a candy-a-holic. If it is chocolate … gooey … chewy … gummy … and sweet. She is all over it. The gummier and gooier the better. Until last month… …last month she got braces on her top…