When my oldest was a kindergartener, homework was a snap. My only issues involved what to do with my youngest. I bought a workbook for the youngest. Both girls “worked” together as I made dinner or cleaned the kitchen. My…
Category: Tweens
Cross Posting or The Other Places I Write about Preteens
I know that I don’t cross post my writing enough. I post each post I write on this blog on Facebook, but what about my other posts? Some posts I heavily promote, while other posts I neglect. Here’s a partial…
Tween Brings Silly Bands to #Yoursphere — Use Code YSMC-0051 for FREE Access
My tween was at first reluctant to join Yoursphere. She might have been annoyed that I asked her to do something. I am the resident nag. Or, she might have felt that she didn’t want to try Yoursphere since her…
Yoursphere Test Drive Mom: Signing Up #Yoursphere
My tween was reluctant to join Yoursphere.com at first. She felt that I was requiring her to do something. You know in the same way that I require her to do homework…clarinet practice…shower. I’m mean that way. I assured that…
Jennifer Ashton, MD: Not Your Mother’s Gyno
I am not a reporter, but I sometimes get to pretend to be one. My tween and teen were invited to the National Tween Summit in D.C. in October. I tagged along with them. While they participated in a very…
Avatar…A Tween’s Movie? Giveaway, too
I have a little problem with movies. What is my problem? If I watch a movie at home I invariably fall asleep before the movie ends. Way before the movie ends. My kids refer to it a “we watched the…
What Is Appropriate for Little Girls?
As a mom, I have the final say on my my girls wear. Period. I let the tween and teen have some say on their clothes, but the bucks stops with me. My tween and teen can choose their own…
U by Kotex…Shhh
Were you embarrassed the first time you had to purchase…you know…those products? Did you insist that your mom bought them for you? I know I was mortified at the thought of buying Kotex products by myself. Now, I don’t mind…
Yoursphere Is Now Free! #Yoursphere
Readers of this blog know that I am a mom of 3. Twitter followers will know that I am online constantly. As an online mom of an online tween and teen, and a sometimes online kid, online safety is a…
A Blog Post…Uh Letter to My Kids
Letters are becoming a dying form of communication. In our house, my kids get cards and letters from their grandmothers. When my kids go to college, I am sure I will e-mail or text or Facebook them to keep in…