Category: Children

My Girls Love Bling [Review]

I’m not sure how it happened, but it did. The person who likes, but doesn’t jewels and jewelry has two daughters who adore anything shiny. How did I give birth to two daughters who are all about bling? From the…

I Haven’t Had a Fuzzy Navel Since

By now you know that I like macabre, off-the-wall humor. Monty Python — check. The Office — check. My latest find is Childrens Hospital. Basically Childrens Hospital is my type of show…it is “based on the Webby Award–winning digital series…

Animal Planet Stars on #Yoursphere

If you follow me on Twitter, you know I tweet about Yoursphere. Yoursphere is our family’s go-to social network for my Kid, Preteen, and Teen. Yoursphere has everything a kid…and a parent could need. What is so special about Yoursphere?…