I was blogging along minding my own business when I tried to add my own blog to Bloglines. I searched, selected, click on feed icon, found feed, and gasped when I saw that my post was from June 3???? What????
Have I mentioned before that I am #notatechie? I have the kind of technical acumen which prompts to push buttons in a random sequence hoping for the best and then going with the ever-popular “CTRL ALT DEL.” Also, I’m navigationally challenged. Let’s not discuss my preGPS days. Shudder to remember my kids saying “Mommy, why are we turning around…again?” Not pretty.
So, if left to my own devices to “fix” my feed problems. I would:
(a) delete my entire blog — all 685 posts culled from my original blog with the unbelievably long title and the new incarnation of me… www.MusingsfromMe.com, that is.
(b) mess up my blog to the point where it still functioned barely but was not quite dead but almost. Oh, I can totally picture my blog having all text cut off on one side. Each post missing every other word. All pictures upside down.
I really should not be allowed near machinery of any kind or overly complicated multifunction programs. InDesign I am talking to you! Heck, even putting together a flimsy plastic garage for my son was tense and nervewracking.
My blog was saved from total annihilation by @ohmariana. She did a little of this with a dash of that and a pinch of this…and my blog feed was restored. I’m of course totally clueless about what she did, but totally grateful for my blog feed to be restored. As I said, I am #notatechie. Thanks, @ohmariana!
I have had issues with the feed before… I noticed that the feed was stuck on my Facebook page. Of course I never addressed the issue. No, I did my “stare at the computer and it will fix itself.” In case you are wondering it’s not effective at all. Curses. Planning to delete and then make another Facebook page.
Well, back to picking winners and posting and entering a giveaway for a laptop or an iphone or a vacuum cleaner. #chancesofwinninglowbutalwayshopeful.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
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