I’m baaack. This week has been a killer. My graduate class is a killer. My assignment for this week is a killer. Basically, I am sitting here when I should be finishing my project. I am the queen of procrastination.
The assignment has taken seemingly all of my waking hours. Lots of computer time. Lots of scratching my head. Lots of wondering why I have to do an assignment on an unfamiliar software on a deadline. Lots of searching the web for clues, suggestions, anything on how to do a certain function in this program. Not a great combination.
To make matters worse we are having the worst winter/spring for illnesses. I had the 9-year-old at the ER on Sunday night for acute stomach pain…went away on the way to the ER. We had an x-ray done and strep test. Who knows what is wrong? Today she had another stomach ache. The 5-year-old was at the dr. this a.m. for an ear infection. The 12-year-old has bad allergies, as well as the 5-year-old. We are all failing apart.
Class is tomorrow. After class we escape for the night and travel near the shore. Staying in a hotel should be fun. the 12-year-old has a volleyball tournament on Sunday. I will spend the day with the younger two.