A Love of Books…Starts Early… [Five + Five Road to Literacy Test Drive]

Books! We’re a book family through and through. I read to my kids from the time we arrived home from the hospital with each of them. I didn’t read to them in utero. My husband would grab a stack of boardbooks as he prepared our babies and toddlers for bed. He’d start with one large stack of unread board books on one side of the glider, and end up with a large stack of read books on the other side of the glider…and a sleeping baby.

My first memory of my oldest daughter’s burgeoning love for books happened in a mall bookstore. She was 18 months old, hanging out in the stroller while my husband and I browsed the racks. I was probably looking for a book on “how to get an 18-month-old to do what you want her to do.” I wonder which 18-month-old I had in mind?!

While I searched for answers to my hard-to-control toddler’s behavior, she reached for a board book. My husband and I turned around when we heard her laugh. She was roaring with laughter as she read Welcome to the Big Comfy Couch. Do you remember this show…with Loonette, Major BedHead, Snicklefritz, and the Clock Stretch? My husband and I looked at each as she was intently staring at each page. We were both thinking “How can an 18-month-old laugh at a book?” We soon realized that she was reading the book by looking at the pictures. Each page she turned had her laughing harder and harder. She had discovered her love of books!

Later, I learned that little ones “picture read” before they learn to read. I call it “pre-reading.” Is there a better term? I found a post on my friend @TeachMama’s blog about helping young children visualize what they are hearing while you read aloud.

Chrysler has a special program going on right now — the Five + Five Road to Literacy Test Drive.

When you test drive an all-new Chrysler Town & Country through June 1st, Chrysler will donate books! That’s right, when you test drive a 2011 Town & Country, Chrysler will donate 5 books to the school of your choice and donate 5 books to a school in need. That’s 10 books in all! Awesome!!

Can you spare some time to do Five + Five Road to Literacy Test Drive? I know I will! I’ll do just about anything to get a book in to the hands of a child. It makes me sad to think about schools with limited books.

Find out more on Chrysler’s Facebook page.

I was compensated by Chrysler for promoting this campaign. The views expressed in this article, and my love (!) of books, are my own. I follow the tenets of Blog with Integrity.

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