I was mentioned in the New York Times! O.K., O.K., I wasn’t actually mentioned by name nor was my blog mentioned by name. Details, details. But, a travel website I wrote a post for was referenced in this article.
Have you heard of Trekaroo? Trekaroo is a website written by moms/dads who have travelled with children for moms/dads who are thinking about travelling with children. As most of you travelling with children is not for the faint of heart. For me, a trip with kids is not relaxing. I am always on my guard. Always wondering what will happen next.
It doesn’t help that we choose vacations that are NOT relaxing. Disney World with a 3-, a 5-year-old, and 2 grandparents. Touring Niagara Falls with an 14-month-old. Traipsing around historic Williamsburg with a baby…toddler…couple of preschoolers. London with a kid, apreteen, and a teen. I need a vacation after returning from a vacation!

The preteen, the teen, and the kid in a breadline.
For Trekaroo, I wrote about taking a walking tour with your preteen and teen through the monuments in D.C. I was pleasantly surprised at how interested the kids were with the monuments. We didn’t visit one…we visited all of them! Here’s my take on touring D.C. with a preteen and a teen >>>> Preteen/Teen.