You walk the halls of the elementary school during the Fall Festival and don’t see a familiar face. How can this be? You have been a parent at this elementary school since 2001. How can you know no one? Where are all your friends and their kids? Then you see a few familiar faces. Then a few more.
You realize that all or at least most of your friends no longer have a child at the elementary school. It soon dawns on you that while you have two teens and a kid, most of the parents at this school are there with their oldest kid who is perhaps the age of your youngest kid. Yikes, I’m old, you think. Do people think I am the grandmother? Double yikes.
You go on your merry way. Your children fan out in every direction. You report for duty at the carnival game you are running. You realize that you are not worried about anyone falling off the monkey bars. Not worried about one of your kids running off the school grounds. You are now one of the older parents who can sit back and chat while the kids enjoy the Fall Festival. Your kid checks in with you every so often to share that he won a prize on the Ring Toss game, won a cake at the Cake Walk, and won the Girl Power Basket for his sister.
You realize that after 10 years of white knuckling it at school events with little kids, you have graduated to “big kid” Mom status. You’ve earned your stripes…that is for sure.