SCHOOL: I Hate Tests…All of Them! Are You Good at Tests?

Elementary School Years in England and the United States My childhood was nomadic and a bit chaotic to say the least. I attended preschool (Reception) and kindergarten (Year 1) in England, and preschool and kindergarten in the United States (my…

ENGLAND v. AMERICA: Schools Days in England and the United States

My childhood was nomadic and chaotic. So was my educational journey. Starting School in England I started kindergarten in England. Prior to kindergarten, I attended a church preschool. It was September and I was 4 when I started kindergarten. Autumn…

BIRTHDAY/HOLIDAYS: Birthday Party Planning and Organizing for Babies and Toddlers

Party Theme Ideas for Babies and Toddlers For the first birthday parties for each of my babies, the theme centered around the paper goods. That was it. Sounds odd doesn’t it? But if you had seen the cute 1st Birthday…

Musings on Organization: Do You Make Your Bed Each Day?

U.S. Navy Admiral McRaven recommends making your bed each day. Do you? I do not. Never have. I give my sheets and comforter a shake before climbing in to bed. I plumped my pillows. I straighten the items on my…

TIME MANAGEMENT: Musings on Preschool: How To Use Your Time Wisely

I had a child in preschool from 1998 through 2008 with a slight gap between 2003-2006 when youngest child was a baby. For a 1-year period, I even had 2 children in preschool simultaneously. Even with the gap, I was…