Eureka! Tweet Photo on the Verizon Palm Pre Plus

I may have mentioned that I am #notatechie. I know just enough about my blog to know that I should avoid doing ANYTHING with the code. My husband has set up our TV/DVD/Surround Sound in a such a way that I find it hit or miss that I will get TV and DVD and Surround Sound. Sometimes I get TVĀ  and DVD and regular sound…I never know what it is that I am doing wrong.


I was with another blogger bemoaning the fact that I did not know how to do a twitpic on twitter (Disclosure: I was a part of a mom and kid blogger trip sponsored by the Orlando Convention and Visitors Bureau.). This blogger was also testing the Verizon Palm Pre Phone. She said she used TweetPhoto.

I am now a changed tweeter. I spent the weekend tweeting photos with captions from the Verizon Palm Pre Plus phone. My tweets seem so much more interesting now that I can add photos…if I do say something myself.

Here are some recent tweets with twitpics:

So grateful to @stacieinatlanta for showing me TweetPhoto so that I can tweet pics from my #VerizonPalmPrePlus !! – If there was an Olympic medal for packing…I might just get gold. Crammed 3 bags in to 2. #orlandomom – Writing abt his trip 2 Orlando while waiting to board our flight to Baltimore. MIB dog is looking on. #Orlandomom

I recently heard that now have a mobile app. Have you heard about Whrrl? I use Whrrl to create stories. On Whrrl you can add photos with captions to create a story. I have used it for blogging events. Whrrl now have an app for noniphone users. I will definitely be adding this app to my Verizon Palm Pre Plus phone. Even this #notatechie can rock technology!

Disclosure: I was given a Verizon Palm Pre Plus phone with one month’s service for my review. This post contains affiliate links.

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