Category: Preschoolers

5 Tips for Photographing Toddlers

FireMom over at StopDropandBlog posted about photographing toddlers. Her post brought back a flood of memories of some great and not-so-great experiences photographing our children. I made a decision early on with my oldest to have regular photographs taken. Since…

Baltimore Site for Moms of Preschoolers

Mother’s Day Tea Preschooler Style! My very serious preschooler at the Mother’s Day Tea! I no longer have a preschooler, but I do live near Baltimore. Informative site for anything and everything to do with preschoolers. Enjoy!

Musings on the Preschool Search

I recently responded to a HARO request on preschools. My response was lengthy. Here it is…How did you conduct your preschool search? For my first search, I looked in the phone book (yes, we still had those back when my…