Category: resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

I never did a New Year’s Resolution post. So, here it is… Wash dinner dishes at night instead of the next morning. Clean kitchen floor weekly. Continue my policy of not stacking papers everywhere. Open mail, purge, pay, file. Make…

I Need the Following…

I am nothing but an idea stealer, but I do like this blog post idea. Here’s how it goes. 1. Write a post on your blog filling in the sentence–I Need……2. Leave me a comment letting me that you are…

SAHM Looking for Work

So I am now in the second month of staying home all day with kids in school. I hate to admit it but I am enjoying myself. From 8:20 until 3:20 p.m. it is me and whatever I decide to…

My World

So, what is happening in my world: 1. Spending too much time on PC…twitter…Facebook. 2. Searching for part-time jobs that would fit school schedule. Applied to 2 jobs. 3. Dealing with school nonsense.5th grader: needs to learn how to write…

So Many Books, So Little Time

I picked up this meme from Lisa from Texas. How many books have you read from this list? Post on your blog and let me know. The National Endowment for the Arts believes that the average American has read only…

There Is Always a First Time…

Borrowed from Mom to 2 Boys: 1. Where is your cell phone? purse…kitchen counter…gaww I hate calling my phone from my home phone to find my phone 2. Your significant other? snoozing on couch…trying desperately not to yell at…

I’m back

I am bound and determined to make a go of this blog. I need a place to write. I read other blogs and know that I have it in me to update every day. Who will read it? I don’t…

Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda

This was one of those days where I was basically nonproductive while James was in school…I drank coffee, made a few phone calls, read, and then fell asleep. Not a good use of 2.5 hours, but really I guess no…