Category: Fitness

Musings on Busy

Busy is what I do. Sometimes I am so busy that I forget to eat. Busy can mean I get maybe 4 hours of sleep and a couple of cat naps. I thrive on busy. But busy is not good for…

Ode to the Afterschool Schedule

Schedules, hectic, racing out the door No time for dinner Grab a Pop Tart and let’s gooooo CLEATS! Where are your cleats? What do you mean you can only find one? No goggles — can you swim without? It’s just…

WE CAN! Giveaway

A couple of weeks ago I was invited to the launch of the WE CAN! joint initiative of NIH_and_Subway. To recap…NIH stands for National Institutes of Health Subway is that great sandwich shop with Jared Fogle as the spokesperson. If…

I Might Just Meet Jared Today!

Remember this guy?Guess who I might meet today — Jared! There’s a Subway event downtown promoting health eating for kids. (Thanks to Marianna for the information — @LookNoHands and RidingwithNoHands and also thanks to Janine for the invitation — @twincident…

Cool Mommy Guide: Blog Swing

Fitness Friday: Reflection by CouponCoupJenn I’m struggling to write a Fitness Friday post. I’m not sure which aspect of my life to write about right now…it all seems very fitness and health related. I’m not clever enough to think of…

Feeding Frenzy Needs to End

I posted over at OurBlubherOverhaul about my weight loss journey. Well, I actually haven’t lost anything as yet. I am talking the talk by exercising, but I am not walking the walk by eating less. In fact I have been…