Disclosure: This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Weave Made Media® and DreamWorks, but all my opinions are my own. #weavemade #VeggieTalesfun https://my-disclosur.es/RgFrEH
VeggieTales saved the day. I had a roomful of cranky toddlers. The church nursery was packed that Sunday. It was cold and flu season. All I heard was sneezing and coughing. There were sniffly babies, toddlers, and preschoolers as far as the eye could see. We wiped noses. We covered mouths while they coughed. We played games. We brought out toys. We sang songs. But try as we might, we could not soothe and distract the little ones. Nothing we did worked that day. The little ones were miserable.
Soothing Toddlers With VeggieTales DVDs
The other volunteer and I were at our breaking point. The little ones needed to be distracted. To be soothed. But how? What could we do to soothe the little ones? My fellow volunteer and I looked around the church nursery. We had played with ALL the toys. Sung ALL the songs. Pulled out ALL the games. Was there anything we hadn’t played with? The other volunteer spotted a shelf of DVDs. She suggested we put in a VeggieTales DVD. I didn’t know anything about the VeggieTales series of DVDs. Technically we were not supposed to put in a movie so early in the morning, but we were desperate. And desperate times call for desperate measures. We had to do something to calm down our frazzled toddler charges. Maybe the VeggieTales DVDs would distract them? It was worth a try!

I couldn’t get just one…I had to get ALL of the VeggieTales plush toys! Don’t they look cute hanging out in my shopping cart.
Playing With VeggieTales Plush Toys
I put the VeggieTales DVD in the DVD player and hoped for the best. What else could I do? Those toddlers ran me ragged that Sunday…including my own toddler. The church nursery on a busy Sunday morning is not for the faint of heart! As the DVD started, I watched as one by one the little ones looked over at the TV. The music started playing. Some stopped crying. Bob the Tomato started talking about being nice to friends. A few of the little ones were distracted but still crying. But the mood in the room was much calmer, far less frantic and loud. Others sat down on the rug to watch the TV. A few of the kids ran to the toy box and found a Bob and a Larry. They hugged the VeggieTales plush toys tightly as they watched. I was astounded at how quickly most of the children calmed down. I shopped at Walmart recently for VeggieTales plush toys. The VeggieTales plush toys are so cute!
Kiddie Toys That Teach Kids To Be Nice
The children watched that VeggieTales DVD so intently. I watched it, too. Some of the children were immediately soothed by the music. I noticed that the characters’ voices were so calm. So pleasant. There was no yelling or screaming. All the characters spoke in a gentle tone of voice unlike other kiddie TV shows where the characters can sometimes not be very nice to each other. As a parent, I want my little ones to hear gentle voices on TV, not screaming and name calling. Though I had never purchased a VeggieTales DVD or toy, I know that the lessons and values found in VeggieTales DVDs, toys, and books are vital to raising good, honest, moral kids. I wanted to learn more about this very valuable and educational series of DVDs, books, and toys…and I did learn what a wonderful message these toys deliver to kids.
Bob, Larry, Junior, Laura, Petunia, and More!
VeggieTales toys feature all your favorite VeggieTales characters. You’ll find Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber and all their friends. Friends like Petunia, Laura, and Junior come a long to join the fun. Your child will play for hours with these VeggieTales plush toys. Creating stories. having adventures. Learning to play nice with others. That Sunday in the church nursery, I might literally have torn my hair out without the VeggieTales DVDs and plush toys. VeggieTales saved the day for a pair of worn out church nursery volunteers and their cranky charges!
What You Need To Know About VeggieTales Toys
- Visit VeggieTales.com for fun, videos, games, and to buy VeggieTales toys.
- Like VeggieTales on Facebook.
- Follow @VeggieTales on Twitter.
- Follow @VeggieTalesOfficial on Instagram.
- For crafts, recipes, and printables, follow VeggieTales on Pinterest.